The mobilization of resources to take advantage of an opportunity to provide customers with new and improved goods and services. 指动员资源,提供消费者新的或改良的产品与服务,以捕捉商机。
Meanwhile, recent data suggest the housing market may be starting to stabilise, with a modestly improved trend visible in capital goods orders and consumer spending. 与此同时,最近的数据显示,房地产市场可能已开始趋于稳定,因为资本品订单和消费者支出都明显出现了适度增长。
Ningbo Customs introduced monitor and control concept such as risk analysis into customs IPR protection and improved the seizing rate of infringed goods. 宁波海关把风险分析等先进监管理念引入知识产权海关保护工作,有效提高了侵权货物的查获率。
The use of technology in these areas has created a situation whereby both businesses and customers stand to benefit in terms of improved goods and services and better operational efficiency. 由於我们在这些范畴里应用了科技,商品和服务的质素改善了,运作效率也提高,工商各业和顾客均获益不少。
The results showed that e-commerce tends to be associated with the increased revenue, improved company efficiency and increased cost of goods sold, but there is a positive relation between the e-commerce and the integrated firm performance. 研究发现,电子商务能够增加企业的收入,提高企业的运作效率,同时也增加了企业成本的支出,但总体上电子商务对企业绩效存在正面的影响。
Mainly showing in the following aspects: First, the political and economic environment is obviously improved, which promotes the further development of China's foreign trade and the demand of transport, offers the sufficient source of goods for shipping industry. 主要表现在:一、中国国内外政治、经济环境明显改善,对外贸易进一步发展,运输需求明显增加,为航运业的发展提供充足的货源。
This paper describes an improved iKP protocol, which implements the fair exchange of information goods for payment, with the participation of the third party avoided in the transfer of the authorization result. 对iKP协议进行了改进,在iKP协议中有机融入了信息商品的传输,使得iKP协议能够用于信息商品与支付信息的公平交换,避免了对认证结果的第三方转发。
The improved design of the GF 3 type aluminum oxide tank car is made in 2001. The new fluidized blowing equipment and 120 type brake are used, and improvement has been made in steal prevention of the goods inlet and outlet hole. GF3型氧化铝罐车于2001年进行了改进设计,采用了新型流化吹送装置和120型制动机,并对料孔防盗进行了改进。
And then explains with some figures how FDI improved the composition of Foreign trade in the aspects of composition of traded goods, composition of trade partners, and composition of trading methods. 再次,运用数据和图表从广东的贸易商品结构、贸易国别结构、贸易方式结构三个方面论证了FDI对广东对外贸易结构优化的促进效应。
Groups using projections on the demand for finished goods improved forecasting method, and based on the newsboy model to determine the best finished goods production. 采用群体预测法对产成品的需求预测方法进行了改进,并基于报童模型确定了产成品的最佳生产量。
Although since the reform our country finance supporting agriculture total quantity has improved, but the relative share actually presents the drop in the fluctuation, the agricultural investment, specially the agricultural public goods investment insufficiency is restricts our country agricultural development the important attribute. 改革以来尽管我国财政支农总量有所提高,但相对份额却在波动中呈现下降态势,农业投入,特别是农业公共物品投入不足是制约我国农业发展的重要因素。
On the basis of accomplishment of software preliminary design, system is applied and tested, and the paper put forward some improved suggestion, and develops and perfects the information software of dangerous goods route transportation safe automatic management information system. 在软件初步设计完成的基础上,对系统进行了运行和测试,并针对性的提出了一些改善意见,开发并完善了危险品道路运输安全自动化管理信息系统。
It comes up with an improved mode for optimizing supply chain on the basis of the overall optimization of chain supermarkets 'logistics and goods distribution. 基于连锁超市物流配送的整体优化,建立了优化供应链物流配送的改进模式。